Monday, December 12, 2005

I thought It would be nice....

So just thought for the family's own fun I would post a picture of my roommates and I. Starting from the left Katie (she's awesome at sports and one funny tough but sweet cookie!) Then there's yours truly, Kristen (she's really talented, well traveled, sports, crafts and always smiling). Next is Lita (Really nice and works super hard!) and then Teri (very bubbly and sweet all the time) So there you have it. Next semester it should be the same group but we'll see if I get a room rommate! If so I hope she's cool!

Sunday, December 11, 2005

One Freaky Scary Thought

Now if this picture doesn't make you want to vote for more gun control, then I don't know what will.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Mei-Mei's Christmas List (materialistically)...and please, no puns about my Man-Friend!

So here it is, the thing that all of you have been waiting for! Have fun shopping and if you decided to get me all the things on this list you will be my new favorite new brother/parent. (Not that I play favorites or anything!) Good luck!

Christmas list

1. *Pocket-sized version of the LDS hymnbook
2. manual for LDS spiritual signs for American Sign Language (You can probably go find it on the Deseret Book store)
3. Phantom of the Opera piano book
4. Les Miserable piano book
5. The Jane Austen Book Club (the book)
6. Wives and Daughters (the book)
7. Good hair ties (the thick brown or black ones!)
1. Varekai
2. Alegria
3. Dralion
4. Quidam
5. Cirque Du Soliel Journey of Man
6. Chinese movie: Turn Left Turn Right
7. *Persuasion
8. Korean Move: The Letter
9. Japanese Movie: Ping Pong
10. *Azumanga Diaoh series
11. Pirates of Pensance with Kevin Kline
1. *Best Of InuYasha soundtrack
2. Anything Yo Yo Ma
3. Anything Gypsy Kings
4. Any music CD’s you would think I would like (ex. Jack Johnson, the Formats, Beyond the Sea movie soundtrack)

I do accept just a burned CD mix of music! =)
*Things I would really really like!

For the DVD’s look on ebay especially for the international movies! You should find them for less than ten bucks. Also go on to compare prices. is also good. For the CD’s check again on ebay, and look at the used section of also works! Thanks! And this concludes my 2005 Christmas list!